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UK proposal for consumer guidance in financial services

The UK has put out its proposals for financial regulation reforms, but many people expect the current government to lose the elections next year and believe that the new government will push regulations in a totally different direction.

The Governor of the Bank of England has been on a confrontational path with the government and some believe that he is already more concerned about his relationships with the next government than with the current one. He has been arguing for more powers to go with the Bank’s mandate for financial stability complaining that

So it is not entirely clear how the Bank will be able to discharge its new statutory responsibility if we can do no more than issue sermons or organise burials.

I thought therefore that the following passage in the government’s proposal was telling the governor to get on with his sermons and stop complaining.:

One of the existing key responsibilities of the Bank of England, which will continue to be a significant feature of its new role, is to analyse and warn of emerging risks to financial stability in the UK, principally by means of its Financial Stability Report, published twice-yearly. It is important that the Bank retains this independent voice, to warn publicly of risks facing banks and financial markets in the UK.”

What I found more interesting than all this petty politics is the set of suggestions on consumer education and protection:

One distressing element in the cost benefit analysis is the claim that arming the FSA with greater powers to curb short selling would bring benefits of up to £9 billion over the next ten years in present value terms. I think the upper bound here should be zero and the lower bound a large negative number.

Posted at 5:01 pm IST on Thu, 9 Jul 2009         permanent link

Categories: regulation

