New blog feeds
I have been receiving several complaints about problems with my blog feeds particularly in Bloglines. People have also complained about the accessibility of my blog itself in terms of the uptime of the server on which it is hosted. I have done two things to make things better.
- I have started an atom feed in addition to the RSS feed. So if you have a problem reading my blog in Bloglines, you could unsubcribe from the old RSS feed and subscribe to the new atom feed: ../index.atomfeed
- I have also begun mirroring my blog at Wordpress. The blog address is and the RSS feed is My reason for choosing Wordpress rather than Blogspot is that Wordpress allowed me to import all my old blog posts while Blogspot does not allow me to do so. As of now, I first post on my regular blog and then cross-post on Wordpress as soon as possible.
Posted at 5:47 pm IST on Mon, 15 Sep 2008 permanent link
Categories: miscellaneous