Prof. Jayanth R. Varma: Courses Taught
MBA Core Courses
Financial Markets
Equity and bond valuation, term structure of interest rates, Capital Asset Pricing Model, futures, options and swaps.
Corporate Finance
Working capital management, financing, capital structure, dividend policy and capital budgeting
Managerial Accounting I
Financial accounting, accounting standards and accounting policy
Managerial Accounting II
Cost accounting, budgeting and performance evaluation
MBA Elective Courses on Investment
Factor Pricing and Smart Beta Investing
Mean variance optimization; multi-factor asset pricing models; value investing approach; exploiting the momentum factor; betting against beta volatility and correlation; quality, profitability and investment factors; tilted portfolios and the black litterman model; long-run price relationship and arbitrage; short and long-run predictability of asset returns; long and short-run behavioral factors; assessing active alpha of investment portfolios.
Fixed Income Securities – Rates
Valuation of fixed income securities, estimation and use of zero coupon yield curves, valuation and use of fixed income derivatives, call and put bonds, and bond portfolio management
Fixed Income Securities – Credit
Structural and reduced form models of credit risk, portfolio credit risk models, convertibles, credit derivatives
International Capital Markets
Foreign Exchange Markets and Parities; Exchange Rate Determination and Forecasting; International Asset Pricing Model; International Arbitrage Pricing Theory; Universal Hedging; Cross Border Listing and Dual Listing; International Bond Markets; Currency Swaps; Sovereign Ratings, Defaults and Restructuring
Investment and Portfolio Management / Asset Management
Asset pricing models, security analysis, risk measurement, portfolio management
Alternative Investments
Analysing investment in the important alternative asset classes like commodities, real estate, art, distressed debt and intellectual property.
Personal Finance and Wealth Management
Life-cycle savings and investment decisions, asset allocation, money management, debt management, trading, insurance, alternative assets, family offices and issues related to wealth planning for the next generation.
MBA Elective Courses on Corporate Finance and Strategy
Strategic Corporate Finance / Corporate Financial Strategy
Business strategy, shareholder value and investor activism. Interaction of financing and investment decisions with business strategy. Sequencing of acquisitions and IPO decisions. Listing to create an acquisition currency. Dealing with short seller attacks. Strategic implications of the choice of listing venue. Public versus private equity markets and corporate governance. Recovering from corporate governance crises Strategic risk management, competitive advantage and tail risks. Managing under adversity (financial crises and pandemics)
Strategic Risk Management
Tools for risk management: Financial derivatives and structured products; Commodity price risk management for a producer; Commodity price risk management for a consumer; Foreign exchange risk management; Asset liability management; Liquidity management; Hedge accounting, internal controls and regulations; Risk management policy
Black Swans and Gray Rhinos: Managing under Financial Crises
Strategic issues that arise in navigating black swans (rare and almost impossible-to-predict large shocks) and gray rhinos(large problems that are obvious but ignored. Surviving crises, acquisitions during crisis, investing during crisis, debt restructuring after crisis, pandemic induced crisis, macro Finance and Financial crisis
International Financial Management
Financing international trade, hedging transaction, translation and economic exposures, international capital budgeting, international debt and equity issuance, international performance evaluation.
Management Control Systems
Transfer pricing, design of profit centres and investment centres, budgetary control and divisional performance evaluation.
MBA Elective Courses on Quantitative Finance
Computational Finance
Partial Differential Equation and Monte Carlo approaches to valuing exotic derivatives using QuantLib and Python
Structured Products
Simplest structured products; Structured notes; Pricing structured products; Sell side's volatility risk: Dealing with the smile; Pricing and hedging with the smile; Buy side's tail risk: When exotic becomes toxic; Long dated options; Interest rate risk management
Bitcoin and the Blockchain
Cryptographic foundations of the blockchain and related technologies; Role of the ledger in payment systems, clearing and settlement systems, and the inefficiencies associated with the traditional centralized ledger; Important applications of the blockchain and the associated software solutions.
MBA Elective Courses on Venture Capital, Private Equity and Hedge Funds
Alternative Investments and Hedge Funds
Alternative asset classes – hedge funds, private equity, venture capital, commodities, real estate, art and collectibles. Hedge fund strategies and risk factors – momentum, carry, volatility, liquidity, arbitrage, activism
New Venture Financing
Financing options, contractual terms and other aspects in new venture financing at different growth stages from the founders' perspective. Crowdfunding, angel funding, VC syndicates, funding in down rounds, control versus value maximization, venture leasing, growth capital and crossover investors.
Unlisted Equities & Patient Capital
Venture capital investing, venture debt, venture capital exits, private equity value creation and exit strategies, activism
Doctoral Courses
Empirical Asset Pricing (partial)
Short and long run predictability of returns and discount rates; Exchange Rates: Interest Rate Parity and Purchasing Power Parity; Term Structure of Interest Rates; Market Microstructure and High frequency Data
Asset Pricing
Introduction to Asset Pricing; The Stochastic Discount Factor; Consumption Based Models; State Preference Models; Arbitrage and Law of One Price; Mean Variance Framework; Discount Factors and Betas; Conditional versus Unconditional Models; CAPM; Multi Beta Models; Empirical Implications of Factor Models.
Theory of Finance II
Derivative pricing theories from Black Scholes to Harrison-Pliska. Fixed income derivatives. Credit Derivatives.
International Finance
Theories of exchange rate determination – monetary, portfolio balance and asset theories; micro-structure of foreign exchange markets; high frequency econometrics of exchange rate behaviour; international asset pricing models and universal hedging ratios; international equity and bond markets.
Advanced Reading Seminar on Management Control Systems
Management science, cybernetics, game theory and behavioural approaches to transfer pricing and budgeting.
Philosophical Foundations of Management Thought
Implications of different epistemological traditions and social philosophies on management theory and research. Covers a range of philosophers from Plato to Husserl as well as philosophers of science (Kuhn, Popper and Lakatos).
Executive Education
Mutlicurrency Fixed Income Portfolio Management
Basic Fixed Income Concepts; Macroeconomic Analysis and Term Structure Theories; Analyzing Prepayment Risk; Theories of Exchange Rate Determination: Flow and Asset Models; Forecasting Exchange Rates; Credit Rating; Assessing credit risk of an international bank; Credit Default Swaps; Structured Finance; Structured Notes; Mean Variance Analysis and Benchmark Construction; Futures, forwards and swaps; Option Valuation and Exotic Options; Performance Evaluation and Attribution; Volatility Estimation; Value at Risk, Risk Measurement and Management; Interest rate and currency options; Currency futures, swaps and options; Lessons from derivative disasters; Active Management of Multicurrency portfolios against a benchmark
Advanced Derivatives
Basics of Risk Neutral Valuation; Stochastic Processes and the Black Scholes Model; The Greeks of the Black Scholes Model; Volatility Smiles; Volatility Estimation; Fixed Income Pricing and the Valuation of Swaps; Convexity Adjustment; Binomial Option Valuation Model; Hedging and Replication of Options; Exotic Options and their valuation; Value at Risk
Risk Management: Advanced Structured Products – Concepts and Application
Structured Products Building Blocks; Arrears Reset & Constant Maturity Products; Interest Rate Options; Correlation Products; FX Structures: Building Blocks; FX Structured Products;
Portfolio Management
Asset pricing models, security analysis, risk measurement, portfolio management
Bond Markets
Bond Valuation; Default Risk and Credit Rating; Interest Rate Risk and Duration; Yield Curve and Term Structure of Interest Rates; Design of Debt Instruments; Call and Put Features and Interest Rate Derivatives; Convertible Bonds; Foreign Currency Bonds; Interest Rate and Currency Swaps; Bond Portfolio Management; Liability Management
Futures and Options/ Derivatives for Hedging and for Investment
Futures Contracts and their Pricing; Single Stock Futures; Stock Index Futures; Index Arbitrage and Program Trading; Option Pricing Theory; Stock Index Options and Stock Options; Option Trading Strategies; Interest Rate Futures and Options; Pricing Interest Rate Derivatives; Interest Rate Swaps and Applications; Foreign Exchange Forwards and Futures; Currency Options; Currency Swaps; Embedded Options Convertibles, Callables and Puttables; Derivatives for Risk Management ; Derivatives in Investment Management; Derivatives in Corporate Finance; Derivative Disasters - Myth and Reality
Value at Risk (VaR) Modelling
Role of VaR analysis in enterprise risk management. Statistical properties of financial market prices. VaR models for complex financial instruments. RiskMetrics and related models. VaR software. Limitations of VaR
Weathering Currency Crises: The Corporate Challenge
Definition, nature and causes of currency crises; Corporate financial fragility: leverage, debt maturity and currency composition; Financial crisis and the dangers of quasi-equity corporate instruments; Corporate financial restructuring under crisis; Financial intermediation, bond markets and credit markets under crisis; Currency crisis and corporate competitiveness; Economic policy before, during and after a crisis: Implications for the corporate sector; Vulnerability of the Indian rupee to currency crisis
Portfolio Credit Risk Management
Credit Risk Measurement: Scoring Techniques; Structural (Merton) Models; Intensity (Reduced Form Models); Credit pricing: Expected Loss, Unexpected Loss, risk neutral default probabilities. Modelling Credit Portfolio Risk. Associated mathematical/statistical techniques: Monte Carlo simulation, multivariate logit regression and time-varying Poisson processes. Stress testing, extreme value theory, the theory of large deviations, copula based default dependence. Data problems in using portfolio models. Marginal contribution of a loan to the portfolio risk; loan pricing and transfer pricing