- Stock Exchange Outages
- bZx attack translated into mainstream finance
- When do algorithms violate the law
- Big Tech 2019 = Big Finance 2005 = Big Risk?
- Deep fakes in finance?
- Blockchain in Finance
- Yet more on Equifax data breach
- Aadhaar and signing a blank sheet of paper redux
- Why does the Indian Government mandate proprietary software?
- In the sister blog and on Twitter during December 2017 and January 2018
- Why Intel investors should subscribe to the Linux Kernel Mailing List or at least LWN
- In the sister blog and on Twitter during August-November 2017
- Building credit bureaus that have no personal information
- Credit bureaus as fundamentally dangerous businesses
- Should Equifax be shut down?
- In the sister blog and on Twitter during January-July 2017
- Why Aadhaar transaction authentication is like signing a blank paper
- Electronic banking liability allocation
- Uberization or not of finance
- Predicting human behaviour is legal, predicting machines is not?
- In the sister blog and on Twitter during September-December 2016
- How to make the banks paranoid about security?
- In the sister blog and on Twitter during July and August 2016
- In the sister blog and on Twitter during February-June 2016
- SWIFT hacking threatens to erode confidence in financial sector
- Bangladesh Bank hacking is yet another wake up call
- In the sister blog and on Twitter during December 2015 and January 2016
- Why waste taxpayer money to enforce stupid exchange rules?
- Data access controls within banks
- In the sister blog and on Twitter during October and November 2015
- Twitter or Newswires: Are regulators behind the curve?
- In the sister blog and on Twitter during August 2015
- SMS does not provide true two factor authentication
- In the sister blog and on Twitter during July 2015
- In the sister blog during June 2015
- We must not mandate retention of all digital communications
- How does a bank say that its employees are a big security risk?
- Carbanak/Anunak: Patient Bank Hacking
- RBI is also concerned about two hour resumption time for payment systems
- FCA Clifford Chance Report Part II: The Menace of Selective Briefing
- Why no two factor authentication for advance tax payments in India?
- CPMI fixation on two hour resumption time is reckless
- Economics of counterfeit notes
- Online finance and SIM-card security risks
- Waiting for a national stock market in India
- Heartbleed and the need for air-gapped backups in finance
- Edgar for Humans: Where individual effort trumps mighty organizations
- Does the market close at 4:00:00 pm or at 4:00:01 pm?
- Flaws in EMV (Chip and Pin) Card Security
- Day dreaming about electronic money
- Electronic Trading
- SEC order explains Knight Capital systems failure
- Snowden disclosures and the cryptographic foundations of modern finance
- Starred items from Google Reader
- The NASDAQ Facebook Fiasco and Open Sourcing Exchange Software
- Big data crushes the regulators
- Disincentivising Cheques
- Sociology of the evolution of electronic trading
- Pamper the consumers or the computer programmers?
- Why exchanges should be forced to use open source software
- Luddites in technology company finance departments
- Predictable unpredictable numbers compromise Chip and PIN cards
- Accountable algorithms
- Does finance need 128 bit integers?
- Automating financial advice
- US Department of Labour degrades BLS data releases
- Mobile phones as Achilles heel of internet banking
- Pricing of cheques and electronic payments
- Sending internet banking passwords by mail
- When is an algorithm not an algorithm?
- Complete that demat process
- Watson and trading in financial markets
- Has the greatest financial risk gone away?
- Time stamping by stock exchanges
- How do regulators cope with terabytes of data?
- The SEC and the Python
- Lehman and its computer systems
- Getting rid of cheques
- Mumbai elections: Do machines need a holiday?
- Madoff and his AS/400
- XBRL - Is India missing the bus?
- Can governments be trusted with financial data?
- The joys of Edgar full text search
- Hacking online trading accounts
- Reducing frauds in dematerialized share transfers
- Edgar Full Text Search
- XBRL and Financial Statement Preparation
- Another electronic platform buys out another trading floor
- Exchange Software Bugs Yet Again
- Trading Error at BSE, India
- Tokyo Stock Exchange Trading System: Why Not Open Source?
- FSA Resilience Benchmarking