- Lessons from the Hertz Bankruptcy for Indian Bankruptcy Law
- Disappointing Investigation Report on London Capital & Finance
- Bankruptcy hardball and bank dividends
- Bankruptcy and sovereign backstops during crises
- Going concern assessment in the Covid-19 environment
- A new chapter in the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code
- Structuring the Yes Bank rescue
- Resolution of stock broking firms
- Real Estate and Infrastructure Resolution in India
- When do you sell your best businesses?
- Indian Bankruptcy Code: Morality play reaches a dead end
- Large asset auctions: Russian versus East Asian models
- Operational creditors yet again
- How to bury zombie companies quickly
- Bankruptcy ideas from the 1990s
- 200 pages on why they let Lehman fail
- Operational versus financial creditors redux
- Creditor versus Creditor and Creditor versus Debtor
- Liquidation efficiency of CCPs (clearing corporations)
- Contractual living wills and liquidation efficiency
- Resolving Central Counter Parties (CCPs) by selective tear-ups
- Exit policy for financial institutions
- Revisiting CME and LCH handling of Lehman default
- More on Law, Madoff, Fairness and Interest Rates
- RBI Report on Financial Holding Companies
- Lehman and the Derivative Exchanges
- Lehman and its computer systems
- Law, Madoff, fairness and interest rates
- Dubai World brings Islamic finance down to earth
- Lehman, Reserve Primary or TARP?
- SEC response to Madoff failure
- The SEC Madoff Investigation Report
- Winding up Lehman Europe
- Lehman Risk, Segregation, Net Margins and Cash Margins
- SEC confirms Dalmady analysis on Stanford
- Dalmady: The blogging Markopolos?
- Vulture funds restructuring sub prime home loans
- Deposit Insurance and Northern Rock
- Northern Rock and Unified Regulators
- Liquidity Risk and Northern Rock
- Amaranth Natural Gas Manipulation
- Creditor Committees in US Bankruptcy